Cloud green software

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CGS brand story









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2024-5-15 16:23:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Green technology, environmentally friendly connections, and easy enjoyment of digital life!

Origin story:
I have been immersed in the charm of technology and games since I was a child. Our family runs an Internet cafe, from which we can appreciate the infinite charm of technology. Our technology allows games to be moved to servers using the iSCSI protocol to create a unique online experience. Each connection's operation is independent, and any changes can be restored to the original state without affecting the original data on the server.

core value:
We are committed to providing a unique and efficient cloud connection experience and protecting the security and integrity of user data. Promote green technology so that everyone can enjoy digital life in an environmentally friendly way.

Brand mission:
Innovate the cloud connection experience, provide safe and efficient digital solutions, and change people's digital lifestyle.

feature of product:
Independent connection for reading and writing, protecting user data privacy and security; promoting green free software, allowing users to connect directly and easily enjoy a high-quality digital experience.

Customer story:
One user shared: "Thanks to green technology, I can easily connect and enjoy a high-quality digital experience without having to worry about data security."

Social Responsibility:
Promote green technology, protect the environment and create value for society. Establish an online teaching website to allow more people to enjoy an efficient and environmentally friendly digital life.

WhatsApp ID: +886 983 512 785

WeChat ID: wcgstw

Line ID: wcgs


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